Samson Super Deal Fiber Lock SPRAY PLUS Hair building fibers 100gr suitable replacement  for all brands of hair building fibers Free Worldwide Shipping

Samson Super Deal Fiber Lock SPRAY PLUS Hair building fibers 100gr suitable replacement for all brands of hair building fibers Free Worldwide Shipping

Delilah Hair  building fibers for fuller shiny hair CONTAINER 25 grams

Delilah Hair building fibers for fuller shiny hair CONTAINER 25 grams

Samson Mega Deal Fiber Lock SPRAY PLUS Hair building fibers 200gr suitable replacement for all brands of hair building fibers Free Worldwide Shipping

Samson Fiber Lock 3 Spray bottles Plus Hair building fibers 200 grams !!! Plus 25 grams Samson reusable container suitable replacement for all brands of hair building fibers.

Free Worldwide Shipping   shipped in a discrete box or envelope

Availability: In stock



Hair Fiber Refill 200 grams !!  plus 3 X Samson Fiber hold Hair Mist !! Plus 25 grams Samson Reusable container, totaling 225 grams

Samson Hair Fiber Mist maintains a natural-looking hairstyle with no damaging build-up and dries within 9 to 12 seconds leaving your hair feeling non sticky and clean. Samson Hair Fiber Mist targets the bond between the Hair building fibers and your hair. Non irritant spray that dries instantly, and help you style your hair fast. Samson Hair Fiber Mist also helps preventing your hair from staining light color clothes. Samson Hair Fiber Mist has the right content of ingredient to bond your hair and the hair building fibers for many hours with comfort and confidence. There are many sprays out there however they were designed for other purposes; we have tested many of them. No one has achieved great results as Samson Hair Fiber Mist , many had high water content that took time to dry and clumped the hair fibers. A good and correctly functioning hair spray can save you a lot of time and prevent embarrassments. Take Samson Hair Fiber Mist to the test. Samson Hair Fiber Mist was developed by people who actively use Hair Building fibers , research and develop with passion. Directions: After Applying hair fibers, spray lightly holding the sprayer about 10” (30 cm) away from your hair, repeat if needed. You may comb your hair gently to soften the hair style. First time user: Get to know the spray effectiveness by applying light strokes and wait for it to dry. Don’t over spray! If dispenser gets clogged (can happen if not used for a while) rinse it in warm water.

Directions: After Applying hair fibers, spray lightly holding the sprayer about 10” (30 cm) away from your hair, repeat if needed. You may comb your hair gently to soften the hair style. First time user: Get to know the spray effectiveness by applying light strokes and wait for it to dry. Don’t over spray!
If dispenser gets clogged (can happen if not used for a while) rinse it in warm water.

Refill is a bag/s Shipped in a padded envelope

Why Should you use Samson Keratin Hair fibers ?

To achieve a full looking healthy hair you need to get good hair coverage from the scalp up. As a user and a person who nonstop thrive to improve I found Samson hair fibers to be the best product considering all the above: The weight was perfect some fibers penetrated the hair layers and lay nicely on the scalp. The others adhered well to the hair shafts. the fiber color blended well for the reason that your hair color can reflect on these fibers too. Samson hair fibers consisting a variety of fiber sizes, weight and color shades to achieve a balanced natural look. Samson hair fibers are not made of wool and are non-irritating.

What makes Samson hair fibers better than others?
Not all hair fibers, thickeners, concealers alike: They are made with various materials and techniques with one common goal to achieve better hair coverage and give you a great looking hair.Toppik is probably the most used and known brand, Toppik is known to be made of wool (sheep hair) wool can be irritating especially in the summer time, I personally used Toppik and I used to go crazy not understanding why my scalp is so itchy until I found out it was made of wool. There are quiet few brands out there…I have tried them all and so my friends. Some were too dark or light but the major problem with most hair fiber brands was the size and weight of the fibers: Remember, we need the fibers to hold on to our own hair longer and better, it should also cover our scalp somehow to create an illusion of full dark hair. Some brand fibers were too heavy and could not cling to the hair for long time simply sliding down on your scalp to your forehead, neck and behind your ears. Some hair fibers were too light and stayed on top of your hair "bulk up" and did not penetrate deeper and the more you tried to add hair fibers it looked worse.
Other brands were made of materials that did not blend into the natural hair color and feel and in certain light you could tell the obvious difference.

Samson Hair Fiber have dramatically improved their Hair building fibers by creating the “Non Clumping” and “Stay put” formula. The new fibers have gone through extensive testing by over applying the fiber to the hair and also exposing it to some humidity. The results were amazing the fibers did not clump. Our researchers also tried vigorously to shake off the fibers of the hair, a good amount of the fibers remained cling to the hair.  

Samson hair fibers are dyed with “Moisture Guard” technology (preventing capture of humidity) and their color will not run when wet or sweat.
Samson’s new fibers are capable lasting for many hours on your hair and not your shoulders, neck and forehead.  At Samson Hair fiber researchers are motivated to create the best products in the world and make a difference.

The pillow test: Typically  you should wash your have before you go to sleep and not find your pillow full with fiber, using a thin comb we removed all we could (this fibers are so good they will not easily come off) and slept with it. Toppik users told us that if they slept with the fibers on their hair, a good amount was all over the pillow, they were surprised to find that Samson fibers remained on their hair and not on the pillow.  James ( a volunteer ) wrote in his email: “Guys you have re-invented the wheel, Thank you”

A recent welcomed addition was the Hair Fiber Mist a hair spray that dries in less than 10 seconds; locking the fibers in place while helping you styles your hair easier. Samson Hair mist is designed to lock the fibers to the hair and not irritate the skin, smells fresh and clean, try it you will not be disappointed.
All the products are guaranteed to your satisfaction. Read what the others are saying.

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Disclaimer: We, Our distributors and suppliers are not associated or affiliated with Toppik, Xfusion, Nanogen and other brands mentioned here and/or their respective companies and brands. Our products may be comparable in content, quality and use, but are not the brand names mentioned above

More Information
SKU 821040888836
Free Shipping Free Shipping Worldwide
brand Keratin Research
GTIN 820040
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